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How to Use the Toilets in France
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- List of FIFA World Cup finals - Wikipedia Avoiding Awkwardness: Public Toilets in France Ask for the WC (pronouced ‘ dooble vey cey’) or say “ ou sont les toilettes?” (‘ leh twalette’), and it’s always plural. ‘Women’ could be F for .
- The particularities of the toilets or “water closets”. When nature calls, you’ll find public toilets in most large parks in Paris. In the Jardin du Luxembourg, for example, there’s a free bathroom next to the restaurant, La .
- How to Use the Toilets in France Using a toilet may sound like a simple task, but if you aren't used French plumbing, it can catch you off guard. In France, there are different kinds of toilets, many varieties of .
- Some practical tips and explanations of some cultural differences regarding toilets in France! This entry should be rated “R” for some sexual content, “V” for some vulgarity and finally “Y” for .
Frankrijk wc papier
How to Use the Toilets in France | . |
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ParisWC — Map of all Public Toilets in the city of Paris | . |