Fysiotherapie engelse naam

  • physiotherapy [noun] (medical) the treatment of disease by physical exercise, massage etc, not drugs. (Vertaling van fysiotherapie in de PASSWORD - woordenboek .
  • "fysiotherapie" in English
  • The content available on our site is the result of the daily efforts of our editors.
    What is the translation of "fysiotherapie" in English? If you could do something with your eyes closed or shut, you could do it very easily because you have done it many times.
    If you could do something with your eyes closed or shut, you could do it very easily because you have done it many times.
    fysiotherapie - Vertaling Nederlands-Engels .

  • physiotherapy [noun] (medical) the treatment of disease by physical exercise, massage etc, not drugs. (Translation of fysiotherapie from the PASSWORD Dutch–English Dictionary © K .
  • Ook in de database
  • Veel vertaalde voorbeeldzinnen bevatten "fysiotherapie" – Nederlands-Engels woordenboek en zoekmachine voor een miljard Nederlandse vertalingen.
    1. FYSIOTHERAPIE in het Engels - Cambridge Dictionary (v.) -ën (meerv.) Bronnen: interglot; Download IATE, European Union, Voorbeeldzinnen laden. Let op; In het UK-Engels en het US-Engels worden verschillende .
      FYSIOTHERAPIE - Translation in English - Vind alle vertalingen van fysiotherapie in Engels zoals physiotherapy, physical therapy en vele andere.
      Engelse synoniemen voor physiotherapy; Engels woord voor physiotherapy - Ensyns Huisartsenpraktijk, tandarts, fysiotherapie en de apotheek. Medical Center with doctors, nurses, a dentist, a physiotherapist and a pharmacy. Je moet ten minste fysiotherapie proberen. You got .
      Fysiotherapie kinesitherapie, fysiotherapie[v] (de ~){zn.}.
  • Zojuist vertaald
  • Physiotherapy
  • Engels: Nederlands: physiotherapy n (physical therapy) fysiotherapie nw de: After the car accident, Beth started physiotherapy for her neck injury. physio n: abbr, informal (physical .
  • fysiotherapie engelse naam