Fysiotherapie engelse naam
The content available on our site is the result of the daily efforts of our editors. | |
What is the translation of "fysiotherapie" in English? | If you could do something with your eyes closed or shut, you could do it very easily because you have done it many times. |
If you could do something with your eyes closed or shut, you could do it very easily because you have done it many times. | |
fysiotherapie - Vertaling Nederlands-Engels | . |
- FYSIOTHERAPIE in het Engels - Cambridge Dictionary (v.) -ën (meerv.) Bronnen: interglot; Download IATE, European Union, Voorbeeldzinnen laden. Let op; In het UK-Engels en het US-Engels worden verschillende .
- FYSIOTHERAPIE - Translation in English - Vind alle vertalingen van fysiotherapie in Engels zoals physiotherapy, physical therapy en vele andere.
- Engelse synoniemen voor physiotherapy; Engels woord voor physiotherapy - Ensyns Huisartsenpraktijk, tandarts, fysiotherapie en de apotheek. Medical Center with doctors, nurses, a dentist, a physiotherapist and a pharmacy. Je moet ten minste fysiotherapie proberen. You got .
- Fysiotherapie kinesitherapie, fysiotherapie[v] (de ~){zn.}.